Easter Vigil Mass: Holy Saturday
Gn 1:1—2:2
Ex 14:15—15:1
Rom 6:3-11
Mark 16:1-7
Jesus is Alive! He is not Done! Things will get Better!
Alleluia! Alleluia!!, Alleluia!!!
Beloved in Christ, What a Happy Night! I wish you A Happy Easter! Our Lord Jesus has Risen, Alleluia! On Good Friday, I gave a homily that convicted me. It was about living the passion of Christ by reaching out to somebody you find difficult to love. I was very convicted by that homily and decided to call one person whom I found very difficult to forgive. I finally prayed for the grace to do so, and this afternoon I called the person. We had a wonderful conversation, and I was able to tell him that I forgave him. He was very pleased and told me things that I had done that also hurt him, and he forgave me too. God made our relationship new, so I can testify that Jesus has really risen. He is alive in our relationship again. He has made it new.
Beloved, tonight we celebrate the God who died and rose to make things better for humanity. The gospels tell us that one of the signs that Jesus left in the tomb as evidence of his Resurrection is the burial cloth and the cloth that had covered his head, nicely folded in a separate place in the tomb. Some biblical scholars have interpreted this within the context of a meal in Jewish culture at the time of Jesus. Normally at royal banquets, there was a way of using your napkin to indicate whether or not you were done with the food. If a guest left the table and folded the napkin nicely, that meant he/she was not done, and leaving it behind was his way of telling his disciples, “I am not done; I have not abandoned you; I will return to you.”
Beloved, our first reading from the Book of Genesis, tells us that God created the world because he wanted to bring order out of disorder, light out of the darkness. He created the world because he wanted to make things better for human beings, and nothing could stop God from doing that. From the very dawn of creation, God reveals himself as the God who makes things better. Even when we sinned and destroyed our relationship with him, God set in motion the history of salvation and the victory we celebrate tonight.
St. Paul tells us each of us experienced the Resurrection of Christ in our baptism. We died and rose with Christ so that we could live in the newness of life. St Paul says if we live our baptismal promises, we will continue to experience the Resurrection of Christ every day of our lives because Jesus has the power to set us free from anything, including sin. Alleluia to That! Beloved, that is good news! (If I were preaching in some Evangelical or Pentecostal church, I would have received “Amen” for that). Beloved, because of the Resurrection of Jesus, we will not die in sin. We can become saints. Even if we taking baby steps, we will get better.
Beloved, when life gets tough, and you find yourself in pain and distress, Don’t lose hope. If you find yourself in some sinful habit and you are struggling to overcome that, don’t give up. Remember that God is not done and that because Jesus has Risen, there is hope. Things will get better. If you are at your breaking point right now, I want to tell you that God is not done. He has strength for those who are despairing, healing for those who dwell in shame, so do not be afraid He has Risen, and he is with you.
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