Easter Sunday
Acts 10:34a, 37-43
Ps. 118
Col. 3: 1-4
Jn 20:1-9
Ps. 118
Col. 3: 1-4
Jn 20:1-9
God Will Raise You Up
Beloved in Christ, Easter literally means “the feast of fresh flowers”. Today we gather in joy to celebrate our new life in Christ and we pray that we will develop fresh love for Christ, for his church, for our family and friends, for our country, and for all those God has placed in our lives. Yesterday, one of my friends shared a joke with me and I thought I would share that with you. The joke is about Joseph of Arimathea. Do you remember who this man was in the Bible? He was a very rich man and had a lot of influence in the society at the time of Jesus. He was also a secret disciple of Jesus, the one who went to ask Pilate to allow him to take the body of Jesus from the cross so that he could bury Jesus. Now here comes the joke. It is said that one of his friends asked Joseph of Arimathea: “Why did you give your most expensive tomb to Jesus? It was too expensive to be given out as a gift, you know!” and Joseph responded: “Oh don’t worry about it, I knew he only needed it for the weekend and I would have it back J” And the friend asked: “How did you know?” and Joseph said: “Because Jesus said it, and everything he that man says I know is true”! Beloved, even though this is a joke, there is some truth in it. Our first reading and the gospel today tell us that Yes, Jesus needed the tomb for only that weekend. He is risen, He is alive, Alleluia, Alleluia! (Please give me Amen for thatJ). He is risen indeed!
Beloved, another thing that is true in that joke is that everything Jesus says is true. Jesus said he would be betrayed by the high priest and the people, he would suffer and be put to death, but on the third day he would rise again. As Peter explains in the first reading, all this happened exactly the way Jesus predicted them. When Jesus says something, it comes true. When he promises something, he does it. The joy of following Jesus lies in the fact that he is faithful!
Beloved, Jesus did not only say that he would rise again, but also that he will raise you up (Jn 6:44). Yes, his resurrection is a sure sign that he will raise us up and that the grave will not be the final destination of our lives. If we believe in Jesus, he will raise us up again. This is what St Augustine meant when he said, we are Easter people and Alleluia is our song. As the responsorial psalm tells us, because of what God has done today, we have reason to rejoice and be glad.
St. Peter tells us in the first reading that Jesus promised to raise us up not only from the grave at the end of our lives, but also, even now, as we live he promises to raise us up from our sin. “all the prophets bear witness, that everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name” (Acts 10:43). That is why St. Paul encourages us in the second reading to “seek what is above” and do all we can to overcome sin because sin can prevent us from experiencing the joy and the power of the resurrection. We have to hold each other’s hand in our struggle to overcome sin and help each other strive to live a new and fresh life in Christ.
Beloved, Jesus also promises to raise us up above all the problems that overshadow us in life. In John 16:33 he tells us that in this world we shall have problems but that we should take courage and not give up because he has overcome the world and he will help us overcome the problems in our lives. Jesus is risen but life was still dark for Mary Magdalene that Sunday morning when she went to the tomb. She did not feel the joy of the resurrection that morning when she went to the tomb because she was still focusing on the problems of her life, the death of her friend and savior. Perhaps, like Mary Magdalene on the day of the resurrection, you are also overshadowed by the problems of your life. Jesus promises to raise you up above your problems at school, family problems, broken relationships, broken dreams, financial problems, sickness, depression, struggle with drug addiction, and all that overshadows you and takes your joy away. Do not be afraid! Because He lives, we can face tomorrow. He will raise you up! Because Jesus lives, life is worth living.
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