3rd Sunday of Advent-Year B
Lk 1:46-48, 49-50, 53-54
1 Thes 5:16-24
Jn 1:6-8, 19-28
Beloved in Christ, two weeks ago, I went to Meijer to buy a gift for one of my friends who was celebrating his birthday but I ended up buying two copies of a book. The title is “God has a plan B”; and is edited by Todd Hafer. What a title! After reading this book, I concluded that the title should rather be “God always has a plan A” because the book talks about how even in the most difficult moments of our lives, even when everything seems to fall apart, God somehow always has a way of bringing good out of evil for those who hope in him.
Beloved, in the responsorial psalm today, we sang the
Magnificat, “My soul rejoices in my God”, the song
that Mary sang at a time that, humanly speaking, things seemed to be falling
apart in her life. In the second reading, St. Paul
tells us to rejoice always, pray without ceasing and give thanks to God in all
circumstances because the God who has called us is faithful and will accomplish
everything he has begun in our lives. My
brothers and sisters in Christ, you and I know that it is easy to rejoice when
things are good, when things go according to our plans, and dreams get
fulfilled. However, it is not easy at all to rejoice when things get tough!
Life is not always easy. There are broken dreams, broken marriages, broken
relationships, lost of jobs, lost of loved ones, and at times, evil seems to
triumph over good, such as the killing of innocent people all over the world.
In the face of all these challenges, difficulties, and evils, how does one rejoice
at all times?
In order to experience what St. Paul is taking about we need
to understand what he means by joy! St. Paul’s understanding of
joy is different from the way the world defines joy. To the world, joy is the
absence of pain and suffering, absence of all troubles and problems. The world
sees joy as something that provides an “escape” from all pain and troubles. For St. Paul,
joy is the inner peace and satisfaction that we have regardless of what is
going on in our lives. The kind of peace that only Jesus Christ can give. Christian joy is therefore not an escape;
it is the type of joy that can exist together with pain, failures, and contradictions
of life.
In our first reading, the prophet Isaiah talks of a “Jubilee”
that God is about to bring to his people and calls on the people in exile to
rejoice because of what God was about to do in their lives. God was going to
bring them a savior and free those who are oppressed by sin, despair and
brokenness. The prophet uses many images to communicate this good news. One
image that touched me is the image of how a garden makes things grow: “As a garden
makes its growth spring up, so will the Lord GOD make justice and praise spring
up before all the nations” (Isaiah 61:11).
Beloved, if you plant anything, there is a time when that seed must die in
order for new life to come out of it. If you uproot the seed at that time, you
are making a mistake because even though it seems dead and looks like nothing
good can come out of it, God is going to surprise you. New life will come out
of that seed which seems dead. God is not done! He is still working
to make all things new so don’t give up! Rejoice and praise God for what he is
yet to do for you, your family, friends, community, and the world.
In the gospel, John the Baptist tells us true peace and joy
come from allowing God to be God!, Peace and joy come when we look at things
the way God sees them and acknowledge that we are not in charge of life but God
is. We cannot wrestle with God. That is what John the Baptist means by “I am not worthy to untie
the strap of his
sandal”. Beloved, I do not know what you are going
through but I want to repeat the word of God to you: Rejoice in the Lord
ALWAYS. REJOICE because "God
will make a way even where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot
see. He will make a way for us. He will be your guide and hold you closely to
His side. With Love and Strength for each new day, He will make a way!"
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