1. 20th Sunday- Year C
    Jer. 38:4-6, 8-10
    Psalm 40
    Hebrews 12:1-4
    Luke 12: 49-53

    Keep Your Eyes On Jesus
    Beloved in Christ, we thank God for another opportunity to listen to His Words and dine with Him on the altar! Last Thursday,  I received a call from a priest friend of mine who asked me to join him in prayer for a family that was going through a very tough situation. He had been preparing a couple for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, which was scheduled for today. On Thursday, the father of the bride, who has been a great source of motivation for the couple’s decision to embrace sacramental marriage, died suddenly. The girl was at her breaking point and had many tough questions for God, such as “So God, couldn’t you have just waited to take Dad after the wedding?”. In the midst of the pain and questions, however, the family had the wedding this morning. They will have the visitation for their father tomorrow and bury her on Monday. Beloved, what do you say to such a family?
    Our Scriptural readings today remind us that life is not easy; and that there are so many things that will test our faith in God. However, the readings also remind us that we need to know the right way to respond when those situations come so that we don’t lose our faith in God and our bearing in life. Like the Prophet Jeremiah in the first reading, there are times that life might seem like you are sinking in a well. As Jesus tells us in the gospel, there are times when life will feel like going through fire. Beloved, we all experience moments like these in our lives when the world seems to be crushing down on us; and we have tough questions for God: Why God? Where are you God?  We may experience persecution and division because of our faith in Christ. We go through moments of disappointment and betrayal. We struggle with sickness and death in our families! We may be struggling with all sorts of sin and addictions. There are times that we see our loved ones make wrong choices in life and be going down the drain. Life might seem so dark. How do you respond when those moments arise? How do you respond when all hope seem to be gone?
    Our second reading today tells us that the only way to keep going in times like this is to keep your eyes on Jesus because in Jesus we know that no matter how tough life gets, God will always win. God will always overcome sorrow with joy. In Jesus, we come to realize that the cross is not the final word. God will come through; and things will be alright again. There will be the resurrection.
    So, Beloved, I don’t know what you are going through right now. But I want to tell you no matter what you are going through, Keep your eyes on Jesus and reflects on the words of this song:  You don’t have to worry; and don’t you be afraid. Joy comes with the mourning and troubles don’t last always! There is a friend named Jesus who will wipe your tears away. So if your heart is broken, just lift your voice and say: I know that I can make! I know that I can stand it! No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands!

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