Short: Reflection:
All those who make time to climb the mountains in life with the Lord will have something changed for the better. God's light will shine on some aspect of their lives. The joy in all this is that people who know you can tell when that change occurs! Can those who know me recognize in change in me? How has the second week of Lent been?
First Sunday of Lent-Year CDeuteronomy 26:4-10Psalm 91Romans 10:8-13Luke 4:1-13Lent is a Time to Grow in Understanding of the Riches Hidden in ChristBeloved in Christ, we thank God for another season of grace! No matter how cold the weather gets, the Word of God is forever warm and always brings joy to our souls. So we thank God for his Word this morning!Our readings today remind us that Lent is a time to grow in our understanding of the riches hidden in Christ Jesus! The First reading is a prayer of thanksgiving that the people of Israel were to pray when they brought the first fruits of their harvest as an offering to God in the temple. The reading reminds us that our God is a God who makes promises and keeps them. He sees our suffering and he hears our cries! God’s desire is to make life better for us, wipe away the tears from our eyes; and help us walk away from sin and all forms of oppression.That is why the psalmist cries out in our responsorial psalm today: “Be with me Lord, when I am in trouble!” St Paul tells us in the second reading that “No one who believes in Christ will be put to Shame...and everyone who calls on the name of the lord shall be saved!Beloved, the Story of Jesus’ temptation and how he overcame the snares of the devil shows that God did not promise an easy road; rather that he promised to be our guide in all things and at all times if only we will turn to him. Even though he is God, Jesus made time to listen to the Father. He did not presume what the Father wanted or how the Father wanted him to respond to the problems of life. He always talked with him and always listened before he made any decision or took any step in life.The mistake most of us make is that we don’t make time to listen. Even in prayer, we talk more than we listen. We always think we know what God wants and what pleases him in all circumstances. Perhaps you have made your plans for Lent already. You have decided on what you are going to give up, how many times you are going to fast, give alms etc, but I want to challenge you to use this first week of Lent to just listen to God in prayer and ask God to show you what he really wants you to do this lent so that you can grow in your understanding of his plans for you in Christ! I pray that the Lord will open our eyes to see what he wants us to do this Lent. Let this song be your prayer this week: “Open my eyes Lord, help me to see your face”!0Add a comment
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