24th Sunday- Year C
Ps 51
1 Tm 1:12-17
Lk 15:1-32
The Lost
Coin and the lost sheep Still have Value
God is
asking you to search for them. Will you do it?
The parable of the prodigal son, in addition to revealing the unconditional love that God has for all his sons and daughters, teaches us that no human being is totally sinful and no human being is totally righteous. I think in some sense, each one of us has some characteristics of both the elder child and the prodigal son. There are times we are like the prodigal son, but there other times that we are also like the elder son, times when we listen and do as God wants us to do. The good news in the gospel is that God’s love for us does not depend on what we do or fail to do. When you are at your best, God loves you, when you are at your worst God loves you. We are the lost sheep that is found. This means every human being can be lost but every human being can also be found. If that is the case why do we give up on people? The question I ask myself today is “do I love people only when they are at their best? Does my love fail when people hurt me?
Beloved in Christ, it's those who are closest to us who will offend us. It is your husband who will offend you. It is your wife who will offend you; it is your children who will offend you; it's your parents who will offend you; it's your family, friends, your teachers, your students, co-workers, and parishioners etc, who will offend you. But it is also these people that we find most difficult to forgive because we have given all our lives to them; so when they offend us it hurts so badly. Maybe you have tried to forgive and the person does not change so you have given up. Forgiveness is like searching for something. It calls for persistent. My brother, my Sister, true Love is not possible without forgiveness. Has anyone hurt you? Have you given up on anybody? Then you have a lost sheep, have a lost coin. God is asking you to search for them. Will you do it?
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