12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
We are called to FOLLOW not to lead Christ.
Our first reading today is a promise that God made through the prophet Zachariah to pour out grace upon all peoples so that human beings will turn to God and allow God to lead them in order that they will have true peace and joy in life. St John, in his gospel, tells us this promise is fulfilled in the Death and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (19: 37). Yes, God has fulfilled his promise and has offered his son to us as a gift, but the question is “Has the world accepted that gift?”
After two
thousand and thirteen years of Christ’s Death and Resurrection, does the world
still need peace? Does the world still need love? Does the world still need joy
and happiness? If you answered, “Yes” to these questions, it means the world
still needs Christ. He is the peace and the joy we
desire in life. He is the one we are looking for. Our
responsorial psalm (Ps
63) describes the condition of every human heart in the world today: “My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God”.
Jesus desired that people of all ages and places continue to experience that grace of God, which brings peace and joy to the world; and he gave his Church the Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Holy Orders, Holy Matrimony, and Anointing of the Sick) as the principal means of receiving His grace. Jesus’ wish is that by celebrating the sacraments, we will become the sacraments of God in the world.
A question: If today we had baptism and I planned to baptize ….. with beer. Can I do that? Would you allow me to do that? Why not?
in Christ, the Sacraments are means of grace because God has instituted them in a particular way to bring grace.
This means Christ has given specific directions as to how the Sacraments should
be celebrated in order for him to pour out his grace. The celebrant of the
Sacrament, therefore, cannot tell God: “I am going to
do this my own way and you must pour out the grace”. In other words, the
celebrant of the sacrament MUST follows God’s instruction in order for grace to
be received.
brothers and Sisters in Christ, that is the way it is with our lives. Unless we
live them according to the Word of God and His teachings, our lives will not bring God’s grace to
the world. In our second reading today, St. Paul reminds us that we, Christians,
are called to bring God’s peace, love, joy, and happiness to the world. We
cannot do this if we decide to do things our own way. When we disobey the teachings of Christ and begin to do things our own ways, we cause pain for ourselves; we cause
pain for others; and we deprive our family, our friends, and our society of the
joy and peace they need in life.
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