27th Sunday (Year B)
Gen. 2:18-24; Ps. 128; Heb. 2:9-11; Mark
Those who did
accept Christ, He gave power to become the children of God.
Beloved in
Christ, I have a question for you? How
does a foreigner become a citizen of a country?
By going through a process called Naturalization.
In the US, Naturalization is the process by which citizenship is granted
to a foreigner after he or she fulfills the requirements established by
Congress in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). So can somebody say I
want to become a citizen but I don’t want to fulfill the requirement set by
Congress? NO!
Okay, let us
apply the same principle to Christianity. If you read the Gospel of John,
chapter 1 verse 11, the Bible says, Jesus came to his own people, and they did
not accept him. “But to all who did accept Him, who believed in His name, He
gave the right to become children of God” So, can somebody say I am a Christian
but I cannot accept all the teachings of Christ? No! Who then is a Christian?
One who accepts ALL the teachings of Christ? Yes, we may struggle to live them.
But to reject the teachings is to reject Christ. You cannot claim to be a
Christian and reject any of the teachings of Christ.
One of the
teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ that some believers are struggling to accept
is about marriage. In our world today, many people are confused as to what
marriage is. There is a debate as to whether marriage is between a man and a
woman or a man and another man, or a woman and another woman. Our first reading
and the gospel today give us an answer about God’s teaching on marriage. There are two important facts about the
doctrine of marriage revealed in our readings today:
BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN! It is not a mere human or social institution;
it is a divine institution, by God, that cannot be changed. As the
Pastoral Letter of the US Bishop’s Conference states: “Marriage is a
natural institution established by God the Creator. It is a permanent,
faithful, fruitful partnership between one man and one woman, established
by their free mutual consent. It has two purposes: the good of the
spouses, called the unitive purpose, and the procreation and education of
Beloved, do you believe this
truth? Will you lay down your life to defend this teaching of Christ? Can God
depend on you to teach this truth to our society today?
- Marriage cannot be broken. There
cannot be any divorce. Do you find this teaching too difficult to accept?
Let me ask those of you who are married: Would you have married your
spouse if she/he told you on the day of your wedding that I will marry you
just for one week? I suppose not. Everybody who goes into marriage wants
that marriage to last forever. So when Jesus teaches that there cannot be
any divorce he is not giving us any law to enslave us. He is speaking the
very desire that each couple have in their heart. Of course there are
problems in marriage but if we turn to God, nothing is impossible.
if you have gone through any civil divorce, the Church shares your pain and
will help you start all over again as you but marriage validly celebrated in
the Church CANNOT be broken. The Church, of course, can allow separation when
the is any danger in a couple living together but this separation is always
permission given to the couple to stay apart for sometime as they reflect and
pray about their marriage and with the help of God’s Church, family, friends,
and expert marriage counselors restore their marriage. Also, the Church grants
annulment, which should not be confused with divorce. Annulment is a finding by
a church tribunal, or court, that no valid marriage bond was formed because the
requirements for valid consent were not met at the time of the wedding.
So in
sum, marriage is a divine institution and there is no divorce in sacramental
marriage, as Jesus says in our Gospel today. Can
you accept these teachings of Christ? My Dear People of God, True Christians
are those who accept ALL the teachings of Christ. Not some of the teachings but
ALL the teachings of Christ. True Christians are those who allow God to be God!
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