Sunday in Ordinary time: Year B
91-6; Ps. 34; Eph. 5:15-50; John 6:51-58
A true Christian life is a meal prepared in a house set on seven pillars
Beloved in Christ, our first reading today presents Wisdom
as a woman who has prepared a meal in a
house set on seven pillars. The tradition of seeing God’s wisdom as a woman
arose after the Babylonian exile when women began to play the crucial role of
ensuring the survival of the new society. Among other things, women made
clothes, prepared food, stored food and ensured that food was distributed
justly. They also kept record in writing and passed on knowledge to the younger
generation by raising and educating children. Thus, the survival of the entire
society depended on how a woman carried out her duty. The wise woman, Lady
Wisdom, is one who did her job well and brought life to others; whilst the
foolish woman, Lady folly, failed her duty and brought death to others (Prov.
1, 8, 9).
In Proverb 9, both women prepare a meal and send out invitation
but one of the meals leads to life while the other brings death. What is the
difference between the foods prepared by these two women? Is it the spices? No!
The author of the book tells us that Wisdom, the wise woman, prepare her table in a house set on seven
pillars. The number 7 in Scripture
means, completion, perfection, that which is pleasing in God’s eyes. The seven
pillars that support Wisdom’s dinner house remind me of the seven gifts of the
Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Council, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and
Fear of the Lord (Isaiah11: 2). The seven pillars also remind me of the seven
sacraments of the Church, all of which are meant to restore us into the image
of Christ, make us authentic disciples, people who are set apart for the glory
of God and the salvation of souls.
Beloved, Like
Lady Wisdom, you and I are the custodians of the Bread of life. We are the ones
who receive Jesus in the Eucharist; and so it is our duty to feed people and help
them come to experience new Life in Christ. But unless we prepare our meal in the
house set on the seven pillars, we cannot bring life. We shall be like lady
folly, feeding people with food that leads to death. That
is why St Paul in the second reading tells us “pay attention to how you behave
… be filled with the holy Spirit….celebrate the Lord in your heart”
As Christians,
our actions are NEVER neutral; they will either bring people life or destroy
their lives. If you think of your life
as a meal, what food are you feeding people with? Is it a meal prepared in a house that is set
on the seven pillars?
May God renew his Holy Spirit within us and help us open our
hearts one more time
to the transforming power of Christ, The Bread of Life, so
that our own lives will be a meal that saves.
Please listen to this video and make this prayer your on. May God consecrate us anew to Himself.
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